Proud to be your Senator, District 37.
Thank you!
Why I want to continue to be your voice.
It has been an honor to serve as your New Mexico State Senator for the last eight years, and I’m proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish together so far. Now, with a new governor in office, we have a historic opportunity to strengthen the progress we’ve made and to expand on key areas that are particularly important for our district.
The Issues
I am driven to make a difference for people. I ran for office, and am running again, because children can’t vote, and so they need a voice speaking on their behalf in Santa Fe. I also want to make the world a better place for those who work hard and want to get ahead but are held back by the systems that work against them. I want to be a voice for the environment—ensuring that we can live a good and sustainable life without destroying our natural heritage. I am not motivated by money, title, or fame. I just want to do good for you and your family.
The three issues that I care the most about…
The Latest From Bill
How Our Lawmaker’s Priorities Will Guide Us to Either Stability or Insecurity in the Special Session
As a state senator, public school educator, and father, I have my priorities clear. They have become even clearer and more urgent with the events of the past months COVID-19, the economic disruption, and the killing of an unarmed black man. My priorities are education, empowerment, and building a society where everyone, especially in times […]
Our Seniors Need Protection from More than COVID-19
In our current public health crisis, we must protect the elderly from a different, also devastating threat – the financial predator. These predators will use the fear, crisis, and trust of the elderly to steal their money. It is up to us to help prevent it.Perhaps the most powerful facilitator of financial elder abuse is […]
Dear New Mexico Families
As a State Senator and a teacher with Las Cruces Public Schools, I recognize the future of New Mexico depends upon the quality of the opportunities for our youth. Schools are still in session but this public health crisis changes the way schools operate. This adds new stress and anxiety to families who are already […]
Dear Constituent: 2020
The 2020 Legislative Session is a “short” session of only 30 days and it may be over or nearly so when you receive this. During short sessions, only issues that deal with budget or issues of importance to the Governor are allowed to be considered. This limits the legislation and topics.I love having people from […]
William Soules
William “Bill” Soules, PhD is a Democratic member of the New Mexico State Senate representing District 37 since January 15, 2013.
Soules earned his BA and MA in psychology from New Mexico State University. He also earned his interdisciplinary PhD from NMSU with a degree that spans the fields of education and psychology. He taught in the Las Cruces Public Schools for 16 years, and has served as President of the New Mexico School Board Association. Soules also served on the Las Cruces School Board for eight years. He has taught introductory psychology, developmental psychology, AP psychology, AP statistics, math, and graduate school administration courses. Senator Soules is a champion of the data-driven and cross-sector prevention of adverse childhood experiences to ensure all students have access to the services needed to be safe and succeed within schools. In his legislative role, he serves as an education commissioner for New Mexico at the Education Commission of the States. He has made numerous presentations at the local, state, national, and international level as well as at legislative conferences and meetings.
Soules Has Served As:
- Chair of the Senate Education Committee (Current position)
- Chair of the Public Schools Capital Outlay Oversight Task Force (Current position)
- Representative for New Mexico at the Western Interstate Consortium on Higher Education (WICHE)
- Early childhood fellow with the National Council of State Legislators (NCSL) and several education task forces
- Chair and Vice Chair of the Education Committee of the Council of State Governments – West (CSG-W)
- Member of the Border Legislative Council, which brings together legislators from the border states of Mexico and the United States to discuss common issues
- President of the New Mexico School Board Association (2000)
- Member of the Las Cruces School Board (1992-2000)
Hobbies &
I’m a “homegrown” resident of the Mesilla Valley. My parents moved to Las Cruces in the mid-1950s, and I was born shortly after at what is now Memorial Medical Center. My passion for public education probably can be traced back to my first day of first grade through graduation from Las Cruces High School–public education all the way. After high school, it was on to New Mexico State University for my undergraduate and graduate degrees.
Outside of teaching and working in the legislature, I enjoy woodworking, which I learned in shop class at Las Cruces High School. I’m an avid diver, and was first certified while attending NMSU. I also love seeing our beautiful New Mexico from the air, which I’ve been doing since 1977, when I was fortunate to have the opportunity to earn my pilot’s license.
His past professional experiences include:
- Assistant Provost for Student Services at New Mexico State University-Carlsbad
- Elementary school principal in the Las Cruces and Hatch Valley Schools
- Middle school principal at the Cobré Schools
- Faculty and staff at the College of Education at New Mexico State University
Contact Bill
I look forward to hearing any idea, issue, concern or a compliment you may have. And if you are interested in volunteering in any capacity, please let us know in your message and we’d love to have you on our team!
Because Your Voice Matters